Atlendis News | June 2023


Atlendis News | June 2023

Atlendis Labs is excited to share a summary of the biggest news this month, including the latest updates and some reading recommendations.


What happened in the Atlendis World…

  • A new borrower pool is available on Atlendis, more information is available here.
  • Fluna repaid their USDC 350K loan and closed their third borrowing cycle, cumulating USDC 610,000 in repaid loans. Fluna announced they would borrow again on July 7 to finance avocado exporters 🥑
  • This month, Atlendis Labs celebrates Loïc Vincent-Genod, Software Engineer @ Atlendis Labs. Read the employee spotlight here.
  • Discover the audits and security strategy of Atlendis Labs regarding the protocol’s V2 smart contracts.
  • Trail of Bits completes independent third-party audit of Atlendis V2 smart contracts​.
  • Atlendis Labs has successfully concluded an audit of the Atlendis protocol V2 by Nethermind.

What’s next?

  • Online events
    • A community calendar is available here.
  • Offline events
    • Atlendis Labs will be speaking at EthCC6 this July in Paris! Here are the details: 
    • Charlotte Eli, Co-Founder & Chief Research Officer: “Enabling a rate discovery on-chain?” July 17th at 11:25am building M (Saint Victor room)
    • Stéphane Coquet, Co-Founder & CTO: “DeFi in the real world: a new breed of DeFi applications,” July 18th at 10:30am (Eiffel Stage)
    • Loïc Vincent-Genod, Software Engineer: “Reinventing the wheel: going away from TheGraph,” July 20th at 11:50am, building M (Saint Victor room)

If you have questions or would like to see the Atlendis Labs team IRL at events, feel free to reach out on Twitter or Discord, we would love to meet!

Featuring Atlendis in June 2023

Recommended readings 📚

Additional Resources
